Webinar series: Spring 2020

Determining and Documenting Informed Choice for Employment
As the saying goes- “if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.” To professionals in the human service field, “informed choice” is not an unfamiliar term; however, until current legislation was in place, our documentation of it being provided was limited to checking a box. Kicking off Advancing Employment’s 2020 series, this webinar will briefly review the definition of informed choice as it relates to competitive integrated employment, its inclusion in federal legislation and regulatory guidance (WIOA, ADA, Olmstead, and CMS HCBS Settings Rule), and ways documentation can reflect it is being practiced.
Presented by: Paige Tidwell-Cason, EdS, CRC, CVE, LPC, PVE, Vocational Specialist & Project Manager, Institute on Human Development & Disability, Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service (UCEDD).

Leadership and Lessons Learned
Change is hard. Join us for an enlightening discussion with one of Georgia’s most dynamic leaders as she presents her approach to creating systems change. Whether its sustaining a provider organization to move beyond its walls to facilitate inclusion and employment, or embracing other grassroots approaches to solving community problems, this hour is sure to get attendees thinking about the tools and approaches used to support agencies in doing the work required of us in 2020 and beyond. Presented by: Marion Curry, M.P.A., Marc Gold & Associate

Seeing and Facilitating the Employment Potential of Those Typically Labeled “Non-Verbal”
March 4, 2020
We may have difficulty figuring out someone’s abilities, talents and strengths when they don’t communicate in typical ways. We may need to utilize strategies to better understand how to improve our support of people needing diverse communication methods to facilitate employment. We will hear from a presenter who has lived experience as a person considered “non-verbal” and has professional experience working with people labelled ”non-verbal.” This webinar will assist in helping attendees work through employment barriers as well as seeing potential, dispelling stereotypes and seeking to understand a job seeker’s ideal conditions for success.
Presented by: Tracy Rackensperger, Ph.D., Public Service Faculty, Institute on Human Development & Disability, Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service (UCEDD)

The Economic Approach to Job Development
April 21, 2020
Most job development is rote and based on the opportunities we believe exist in a local community rather than starting with a sense of abundancy, cooperation and curiosity. New approaches however should focus on both the micro-level (understanding a specific, local business) and the macro-level (using economic tools) to boost outcomes. This presentation will review current research with an eye on easy implementation tips to add to current employer engagement efforts.
Presented by: Doug Crandell, MFA, Director of Advancing Employment Technical Assistance Center, Institute on Human Development & Disability, Center of Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service (UCEDD)

An Introduction to Fidelity in Discovery and Customized Job Development
May 27, 2020
How do we know that powerful tools such as Discovery and Customized Job Development are truly embedded in services, funding, and outcomes? Join us for an introduction to two separate fidelity instruments being used across the country to measure and evaluate these efforts. The presentation will focus on understanding the basic principles of fidelity, as well as information on implementation efforts at the state and local levels.
Presented by: Beth Keeton, Executive Director, Griffin-Hammis Associates