Featured Papers and Publications

Supporting the Mental Health of Georgia Job Seekers and Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) During the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic
December 2022​
Tracy Rackensperger, Ph.D., IHDD, University of Georgia
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected life for everyone. This paper specifically provides context for how individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) have managed in terms of their employment, mental health, and community inclusion during these challenging times. This paper examines how we, as professionals supporting with Georgians with I/DD, must do better to aid these
individuals to reintegrate and continue to integrate into their communities.

Balancing Economics and Advocacy: UCEDDs’ Role in Increasing the Awareness and Importance of Competitive Integrated Employment
May 2022​
Doug Crandell, MFA, IHDD, University of Georgia. Authored for DETAC.
This paper states that public policy is integrally connected to economics, and to increase the rates of employment, self-determination, and inclusion, we must accept that language can put up more barriers than solutions. In this way, a UCEDD can function as translator, convener, and economic advocate. Some common methods of services advocacy juxtaposed with economic advocacy are covered.

Leveraging the Trust: The Role of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) in Facilitating Competitive Integrated Employment Outcomes
September 2021​
Doug Crandell, MFA, IHDD, University of Georgia. Authored for DETAC.
UCEDDs represent a significant vehicle for accelerating the importance of increasing the competitive integrated employment rates of youth and adults with disabilities. This sphere of influence is generated through several UCEDD-specific factors, which, if purposely examined, can lead to a methodical, and judicious use of the resources UCEDDs can deploy within their Developmental Disability (DD) Networks as well as to other Administration on Disability (AoD) grantees within the state and beyond.

The Economics of Our Work
October 2021​
Doug Crandell, MFA, IHDD, University of Georgia.
This presentation covers core topics such as:
The difference in the labor market and customized employer engagement approaches
Understanding our work through Economic Development
Building and expanding on business networks during Covid-19
Practicing the art of conversation
Discovering unmet needs